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Department of English Visits Al-Warith Sanctuary & Community Rehabilitation Centre

A delegation from the Department of English at the College of Education for the Humanities, University of Kerbala, visited Al-Warith Sanctuary & Community Rehabilitation Centre at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein. The Head of the Department of English, Assist. Prof Dheyaa Khaleel Nayel led the delegation and was accompanied byAssist. Lect. Muslim Sadiq, Assist. Lect. Karrar Mohammed Jabbar, and Assist. Lect. Mohammed Haider.

The Chief delegate, Assist. Prof Dheyaa Khaleel Nayel, delivered the hearfelt greetings of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi. From his part, Assist. Prof. Nayel added that the instituations of the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein have become a cornerstone in fostering a society free from social issues and are a source of pride for all.

The delegation was then given a detailed briefing on the various services provided by the shelter, presented by Mr. Mehdi Saleh Mirza, who highlighted that the centre was established as a viable solution to many societal problems, such as family disintegration and domestic violence, among other challenges faced by vulnerable children.

It is noteworthy that this visit aligns with the Department of English’s ongoing efforts to maintain active engagement with various institutions, particularly those dedicated to addressing poverty and promoting family welfare—an essential aspect of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At the conclusion of the visit, the Centre’s director led the delegation on a tour inside the facility, where they gained further insights into the medical, psychological, and recreational services provided to the children. The delegation also had the opportunity to interact with the children, discussing their studies and personal interests.

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