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College of Education for the Humanities Organises a Workshop on Guidelines for Female Prac-Students

The Continuing Education Unit, in collaboration with the Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Education for the Humanities at the University of Kerbala, organized a training workshop titled “Guidelines for Female Students Preparing for School Practicum,” presented by Dr. Ahood Thaban Youssef, with the attendance of the college students.
The workshop aimed to empower the female prac-students (student-teachers) to overcome the main challenges in the practicum, improve communication between students and teachers, create an interactive and supportive environment for the prac-students, as well as enhance their self-confidence.
The workshop included the following topics: an introduction to the practicum and its objectives, task organization and time management in practicum, as well as effective communication of the prac-student with the administration and her pupils.

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