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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

“ O (thou) soul, In (complete) rest And satisfaction ! Come back thou To thy Lord,— Well pleased (thyself), And well-pleasing Unto Him ! “ Enter thou, then, Among my Devotees ! Yea, enter thou My Heaven!”
The Almighty Allah has spoken the truth.

With deep sorrow and submission to Allah’s will, the Deanery of the College of Education for the Humanities, represented by the esteemed Dean, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, alongside its faculty and administrative staff, mourns the loss of Asst. Prof. Abdul Amir Al-Sa’eedi, one of the college’s respected educators.

We pray that Allah, in His infinite mercy, grants the deceased His vast forgiveness and eternal peace, and that He provides comfort and patience to his family, loved ones, and the academic community during this time of profound loss.

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