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A Staff Member from the Department of History as a Committee Member for a Master’s Thesis Defence at the University of Babylon

Dr. Salwa Hassan Aidan, a professor in the Department of History at the College of Education for the Humanities, participated as a committee member in the defence of a master’s thesis titled Economic Expenditures in Iraq During the Rashidun Era (11-41 AH / 632-661 AD) by the MA candidate, Baydaa Shaker Mahmoud at the College of Education for the Human Sciences, University of Babylon.

Following an in-depth scholarly discussion, the examination committee approved the thesis.

It is worth noting that many staff members from the College of Education for the Humanities at the University of Kerbala are frequently selected as supervisors, chairs, or members of academic committees for the defence of postgraduate theses and dissertations, reflecting their high academic expertise.

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