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The Esteemed President of the University of Kerbala Pays an Official Visit to the College of Education for the Humanities

The President of the University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, visited the College of Education for the Humanities. At his Arrival, the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, along with the Assistant Dean of Scientific Affairs, the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs and the Staff members welcomed the President of the University.

This visit was part of a broader inspection tour which aimed at checking the operational progress of the college. Additionally, the President of the University attended the scientific symposium “New Readings in the Prophetic Biography” that is organised in collaboration with Al-Abbas Holy Shrine.

Notably, Prof. Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali reaffirmed his ongoing support for the college and commended the efforts done by the Dean’s office as well as the members of the college in fostering an academic environment that aligns with the university’s educational objectives and aspirations.

Finally, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi expressed his sincere gratitude to the President of the University for his visit, emphasising its significance in reflecting his dedication and continuous devotion to the college’s academic mission.

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