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Academic Evaluation Committee Holds Meeting at the College of Education for the Humanities

Preparing for the ministerial committee visit that is assigned to evaluate the academic reality of the College, the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Prof Muyyad Omran Chiad (PhD), and the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Prof Salah Al-Saadi(PhD) held a meeting with the Chair member of the Academic Evaluation Committee in Iraqi Universities, Prof Uday Obaidan Al-Jarrah(PhD). The committee members responsible for following up on the requirements and documents for the anticipated ministerial committee visit. Have also attended the meeting.

Key final preparation points were discussed in the meeting. Additionally, th members went through the organisation of essential documents and files required for the upcoming evaluation visit, and emphasized the importance of achieving high assessment results.

It is worth noting that the meeting stressed the importance of unifying efforts to compile all necessary documents, aiming for the college to secure the top rank among its peers in this vital area, which would elevate the college’s status to an advanced position in the academic rankings.

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