The esteemed Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities, Prof. Dr Hadi Al-Saeedi, honoured the Department of Arabic, represented by the esteemed Head of the Department, Prof. Dr Janan Al-Jubouri,…
Category: اخبار عامة
The Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities is exploring ways to cooperate with the Director of Al-Warith Academy for Sustainable Development and Strategic Studies
The esteemed Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities, Professor Dr. Hadi Al-Saeedi, received the esteemed Mr. Aqeel Al-Sharifi, Director of the Al-Warith Academy for Sustainable Development and Strategic Studies…
The College of Education for the humanities at the University of Kerbala launches the Initiative forEntrepreneurship and Sustainable Development.
The College of Education for the Humanities at the University of Kerbala launched the Initiative forEntrepreneurship and Sustainable Development by organizing the first forum for talented students, which was held in the college gardens in…
A glimpse of the preparations for the College of Education for the Humanities festival in collaboration with the Martyrs Foundation to raise awareness about the crimes of the Ba’ath.
The College of Education for the Humanities is exploring ways to collaborate with the Bina Center to enhance security and intellectual awareness among students
The esteemed Dean of the College of Education the Humanities , Professor Dr. Hadi Al-Saidi, received a delegation from the Bina Center for Intellectual and Cultural Security affiliated with the Holy Hussaini…
Director of the Cultural and Religious Heritage Revival Centre Visits the College of Education for the Humanities
Ihsan Al-Jalihaawi, director of the Cultural and Religious Heritage Revival Centre affiliated with the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein, visited the College of Education…
Staff Member from the College of Education for the Humanities Receives Scientific Medal at an International Conference
As part of the series of academic achievements by the staff members of the College of Education for the Humanities and the college’s engagement with international academic institutions, Prof. Dr KareemaNomas Al-Madani from the Department of Arabic…
Female Staff Members from the College of Education for the Humanities Honour Top-RankedFemale Students
In an effort to encourage students to maintain commitment and uphold general ethics and modesty, staff members from the College of Education for the Humanities; Prof. Dr. Abeer Abdulrasool Al-Tamimi, Prof. Dr. Kawthar Hassan Hindi, and Assist. Lect.Batool Hassan Mashkoor took the initiative to…
Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities Welcomes Dr Mahbooba Taghi Zada from Iran University
The Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, welcomed Assistant Professor Dr Mahbooba Taghi Zada from the Islamic Republic of Iran/Iran University of Science and Technology. The Department of English,…
Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities Honours a Female Staff Member upon Receiving Academic Promotion
As part of celebrating the scientific and academic achievements of the staff members at the College of Education for the Humanities, the Dean, Prof. Dr HadiAl-Sa’eedi, honoured Prof. Dr Bushra Mohammed Alwan on the occasion of her…