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Written by  Dr. Hamid Gittan Jewad
Publishing in Academic Journals
  1. Taylor & Francis Publisher of scholarly journals, since 1798 work in partnership with societies and universities publish across science, social sciences, humanities, technology, arts and medicine global publisher with offices in Beijing, Singapore, Tokyo, Oxford, Philadelphia and Melbourne (plus more), Offers choice in routes to publish: books or journals, subscription or Open Access Partner with innovators to improve the publishing experience for authors and make articles more discoverable (including Altmetric, Figshare, Kudos and ORCiD).
  2. 2Why publish?  
         1- To exchange ideas  
2-To build reputation  
3-To disseminate work on a global scale have you got: 
4- Something new to say? 
5- A solution to a current or difficult problem? 
6- A new development on a ‘hot’ topic in your field Publishing is a necessary step in the research process
  1. What are you publishing? 
         1- Are you publishing new methods and / or results? 
          2- Are you reviewing or summarizing a particular area? 
          3- Does it advance knowledge and understanding of a particular area? Don’t publish something of… • No scientific interest • Out-of-date work • A duplication of existing, published research • Incorrect or unacceptable conclusions
  1. Think about what you want to publish  full articles: offering original insights • Letters: communicating advances quickly • Reviews: offer a perspective, summarising recent developments on a significant topic Conference papers: something to consider if your research project is ‘in progress’
  2. The Stages to go through before submitting an idea choose a journal 
       Read back issues write the first draft use critical friends refine further drafts     Check notes for contributors to proofread read and submit.

  1. Choosing the Right Journal
 1- A journal article is not a magazine article, a book manuscript or your PhD thesis (but you could write a book review…) Q. Do you: A) Write an article for a specific journal? B) Find any journal for your article. A
  1. Why you should read a journal’s ‘Aims and Scope’ The ‘Aims and Scope’ will help you understand what the journal is about, and who it is for. Find it on the journal page on tandfonline.com
  2. Know your Audience Tip 
  1. You are joining a conversation with other contributors. 
  2. Research the journals in your field. 
  3.  Visit your University library.
  4.   Look at publisher and Journal websites. 
  5.  Talk to your peers 
  6.  Pick your type: generalist or niche, international or region specific? 
  7.  Read (and understand) the journal’s Aims and Scope.
  8.  Check www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo.
  1. Know your Audience Tip: Ask the right questions and know the right answers. Who, or what, is the journal’s: • Editor? • Editorial board? • Publisher? • Authors? • Readership? • Online/print? • Impact Factor? • Peer review? • Submission process? • Open Access policy? Build up a picture of the journal and understand the stages your paper will go through before it is published.
  2. Think. Check. Submit:A publishing industry initiative which aims to help you make informed choices, and choose trusted journals to publish your research • Provides you with a toolkit to assess whether the journal you plan to submit to is appropriate for your work, and is also a respected, reputable journal
  3. The Think Check: Submit. Checklist 1. Do you or your colleagues know the journal?  2. Is the journal clear about the type of peer review that it uses? 3. Can you easily identify and contact the publisher? 4. Is the publisher a member of a recognized industry initiative?
  4. Journal Citation Metrics Citation metrics – widely used as measures of quality by: Librarians Tenure and promotion committees Grant awarding bodies Researchers Publishers In the simplest terms, they calculate the average number of citations over a specified period. • Impact Factor / Social Sciences Citation Index • SNIP/ Scopus • Eigenfactor Score There are many factors to consider when deciding which journal is right for your paper.
  5. What is it?
1. Making Content freely available online to read Meaning your article can be read by anyone, anywhere.
  1. Making content reusable by third parties with little or no restrictions
  2. Open Access givesother scholars and students at all educational levels immediate access to your work. It is a form of publication that is totally inclusive. 
  3. Four Reasons to Publish OA 1. Increased discoverability: anyone can read (and cite) your work. 2. Reaching beyond academia: it can be easily accessed by people outside your research field, and outside the scholarly community. 3. Highlighting your work: you can share and post your final published article (the Version of Record) anywhere. 4. Ownership: You retain the copyright to your work.
  4. What are we publishing?
  5. Writing for a Journal
  6. Think Like an Editor “…I think authors need to think ‘what is it like to be an editor of a journal? How many papers is the Editor receiving per day, per week? What is going to actually make the journal pay attention to the paper?” .
  7. Do: ⎫ Look atPublished papers ⎫ Quote from articles in the journal ⎫ Fit the Aims & Scope ⎫ Format your article to the journal ⎫ Know where or who to submit to ⎫ Check spelling and grammar ⎫ Consider English ‘polishing’ ⎫ Ask a colleague to read it Don’t: × Overlook the title × Rush the abstract × Dismiss the Instructions for Authors × Ignore the bibliography × Leave acronyms unexplained × Forget to clear any copyright × Miss out attachments (figures, tables, images) × Send the incorrect version of your paper
  8. Instructions for Authors
  9. Your Title andAbstract Your title and abstract are your article’s ‘shop window’ so make it attractive: • Put what’s new / what makes it different at the start • Think about how someone will search for your research – what search terms will they use? • Use these in your title and abstract to make your article more discoverable (search engine optimization). • Use clear, concise language that could be understood by someone outside of your field. • Draw out the main issues you are looking to address in both the title and abstract (but be brief!).
  10. What Makes aGood Title “We would typically expect a strong title, a good title that really expressed what the article was about and made it clear to the reader exactly what the topic was, and it’s amazing how often writers neglect to do that.” 
  11. Taylor & FrancisEditing Services Making the process of preparing and submitting a manuscript easier. www.tandfeditingservices.com
  12. Ethics for authors Question:Submitting a manuscript to more than one journal at a time is: a) allowed as reviews can take months b) not allowed in any circumstance Answer: b) not allowed in any circumstance
  13. Ethics for Authors:The essentials • Be wary of self-plagiarism. • Don’t submit a paper to more than one journal at a time. • Don’t send an incomplete paper just to get feedback. • Always include and / or acknowledge all co-authors (and let them know you’ve submitted the paper to be published). • Always mention any source of funding for your paper. • If you are using data sets gathered by someone else, check that you have permission to use them in your article. Information on ethics in journal publishing: author services.taylorandfrancis.com/ethics-for-authors
  14. Your submission checklist ⎫Atitle page file with the names of all authors and co-authors ⎫Main document file with abstract, keywords, main text and all references ⎫Figure, image or table files (with permission cleared) ⎫Any extra files, such as your supplemental material ⎫Biographical notes ⎫Your cover letter
  15. Peer Review
  16. What is PeerReview? Allows an author’s research to be evaluated and commented upon by independent experts. Which can take different forms:
  • Single-blind review: where the reviewer’s name is hidden from the author. • Double-blind review: where the reviewer’s name is hidden from the author and the author’s name is hidden from the reviewer. • Open review: where no identities are concealed. • Post-publication review: where comments can be made by readers and reviewers after the article has been published. Every article published in a Taylor & Francis journal goes through rigorous peer review.
  1. Stages of Peer Review Editor receives manuscript & makes an initial assessment Sent out to reviewers Accept Minor amendments Major amendments Reject Feedback to author Amend Publisher proof stage Article published
  2. How to HandleReviewers’ Comments 
  • Try to accept feedback with good grace • Revise as requested • If you can’t explain why • Turn the paper round on time • Thank the reviewers for their time If you’re responding: • Be specific • Defend your position: be assertive and persuasive, not defensive or aggressive Don’t be afraid to ask the editor for guidance. A good editor will want to help.
  1. Top Ten Reasonsfor Rejection (what to avoid) 1. Sent to the wrong journal, doesn’t fit the aims and scope, or fails to engage with issues addressed by the journal. 2. Not a true journal article (i.e. too journalistic or clearly a thesis chapter or consultancy report). 3. Too long/too short. 4. Poor regard of the journal’s conventions, or for academic writing generally. 5. Poor style, grammar, punctuation or English. 6. No contribution to the subject. 7. Not properly contextualised. 8. Poor theoretical framework. 9. Scrappily presented and sloppily proofread. 10.  Unethical, rude or lacks objectivity.
  2. What to doif your Article is Rejected • Do nothing for a few days: try to calm down and try not to take it personally. • You could use the reviewers’ comments, alter the paper and submit to another journal. • If you do submit elsewhere, make sure you alter your paper to the new style of that journal. Editors can easily detect a paper that was submitted to another publication. • If you are asked to make heavy amendments and resubmit, you must decide if it is worthwhile.
  3. Congratulations, you’re published!
  4. Maximising your article’simpact Use these tips to maximise the potential of your article to be seen, read, and cited. • Post updates and links to your article on academic and professional networking sites. • Use social media to post a link to your article and highlight key points. • Add a brief summary and link to your article on your department website. Then add it to your students’ reading lists. • Think your research is newsworthy? Speak to your institution’s press office, provide them with a link to your article, and include them in social media posts. • If you are a blogger or have a personal webpage write about your article and link to it. Then write about your post on social media, linking to it and the article.

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