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الاسم : اسراء نعمه محسن
Types of stress العنوان :
الكلية : كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
Not all syllables are the same in the words . Some syllables are long and loud , other syllables are short and quit , and some syllables are in between (unstressed)
 There are different types of stress that can affect the pronunciation and meaning of words and sentences in English . 
  1. Primary stress: It is the loudest stress. 
  2. secondary stress :It is the second loudest. 
  3. weak stress (unstressed):It is the least loud. 
Primary stress: This is the strongest  level of stress that is placed on one syllable of a word or a sentence. The primary stressed syllable is louder, longer, and higher in pitch than the other syllables. For example, in the word ‘banana’, the second syllable has the primary stress. In the sentence ‘I love CHOCOLATE’, the word ‘chocolate’ has the primary stress.
 primary stress always falls either on the initial or final syllable of a word .
primary stress; obviously, in monosyllabic words like dog, look and bag, the only syllable that there is must be stressed.  Primary stress may be marked off syllables which carry stress by a raised, small vertical line before the syllable carrying the main stress of a word, e.g. [‘enta] enter. Where in addition to a main stress there is a secondary stress, you can mark it with a lowered vertical line, e.g. [͵dAbled3d] double-edged .
 Secondary stress: This is a weaker level  of stress that is placed on some syllables that are not completely unstressed, but not as strong as the primary stress.
 The secondary stressed syllables are still louder and longer than the unstressed syllables, but not as much as the primary stressed syllables. For example, in the word ‘photography’, the third syllable has the secondary stress: pho-to-GRAPH. Many longer English words are doublestressed or multiple-stressed. We have already met double-stressed compounds Further examples of double stressed items include ,six’teen, ,contro’versial, ,aca’demic, examples of multiple-stressed items include inter,conti’ nental, i denti ,fia’ bility. 
Unstressed: This is the lowest level of  stress that is placed on some syllables that have no stress at all. The unstressed syllables are very short and quiet, and often reduced to a schwa sound /ə/. For example, in the word ‘pho-TO-graph’, the second syllable is unstressed. unstressed Bearing neither primary stress nor secondary stress. In the English word happen, the final syllable is unstressed, while the penultimate syllable has primary stress. Unstressed syllables often have reduced vowels. 

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