The Two ladies Al Zehra’ and  Al Hawra ( p.b.u.t)In Iraqi Modern Verse from 1950 to 2020: Astudy in subject matter and art.

          Our research is restricted within the limited period on two great persons of the respected prophet’s progeny they are the typical and pride of women: Fatima Al Zehra and Zainab Al Kubra (p.b.u.t.).The two ladies are ideal for Muslim women and an eternal symbol for the spirit before memory especially to Iraqi poets. 
  It was agreed to have a margin for the study with’ an analysis study’ to be a sample for the artistic literary work      It is an approach that stands on documenting and studying texts including the form and content and clarifying their aesthetic and artistic positions. The research adopted the field of deep reading to modern poetic texts to Iraqi poets for the religious and historical cases and to emerge the internal impacts and vision issue that the two cases of Lady Fatima and her daughter ( p.b.u.t.)