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The Authority Representations in Andalusia Verse (484 – 635): A Study in the light of Cultural Criticism.

Abstract      Andalus land formed historical, religious, political, cultural, and literary presence in our Arabic and Islamic heritage. This is due to what a magic nature and remarkable geographical location this land…

The Effect of Meaning on Grammatical Guidance in Al-Khazanah by Al-Baghdadi

Abstract:The study focuses on The Treasury of Literature and the Core of Bab Lisan al-Arab by Abdul Qadir bin Omar al-Baghdadi, a comprehensive work born out of rare texts and…

Ashoor Rituals in Kerbala from the Seventh Hijri century to the Thirteenth

Abstract:The current study which is entitled ” Ashoor Rituals in Kerbala from the Seventh Hijri century to the Thirteenth Hijri Century: A Historical Study” studied the old and updated rituals…

socialist nationalization laws on July 14, 1964

Abstract:The issuance of socialist nationalization laws on July 14, 1964, reshaped Iraq’s economic, social, and political landscape, transitioning it from capitalism toward socialism. This monumental shift altered the economic structure,…

Weli Bin Ne’mat Allah Al Ha’iri

Abstract:This study delves into the historical narratives crafted by Weli Bin Ne’mat Allah Al Ha’iri, a figure known for his dedication to recounting historical events, notably those involving the Prophet…

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