Andalus land formed historical, religious, political, cultural, and literary presence in our Arabic and Islamic heritage. This is due to what a magic nature and remarkable geographical location this land had. Andalus land was inhabited by social groups of various nationalities with various religious impression. Despite of the origin of Andalusi inhabitants were Jewish and Christians, some Islamic authorities succeeded in establishing political regimes and states in that western geographical area.
Arabic poetry started expressing the intellectual and emotional activities of the society individuals since old time. Therefore, one of the poet’s task is to express the events that go around in this social environment. Thus, the image of the relation of individuals with ruling authorities was represented by the poet’s discourse. Hence, Andalusia poetic discourse is considered in the whole particularly Al Moravids and Al Mohads eras clear expressive representation to the regime of those two authorities that tackled Andalus then. So, the dominant of the authority activation was due to the poetic discourse to the large number of the political and religious conflicts as well the difference of the social situations that Andalusi people lived. The current study which is entitled” The Authority representations in Andalusia verse (484 – 635): A Study in the light of cultural criticism” focused on a critical cultural reading in an attempt to shed the light on implications of Andalusi poetic discourse during those two periods. These are Al Moravids and Al Mohads, as well the difference of impact of the religious, political, and social authority activation on poets, and revealing treatment of their cultural orientations with authority basics.
The cultural criticism is considered a critical activity that its function is implied by studying what is beyond the text in the literary discourse, which is hidden under the light of the aesthetic structures represented by rhetoric arts. It is a critical device tries to decompose the text and its implicit cultural harmonies, to state its conduct, which is opposite to the cognitive awareness and to the critical beauty. Thus, the cultural criticism is an analytical activity with multiple sources and streams of various sciences, and orientations and ideologies that share different cognitive and human meanings. Its devices are characterized by surrounding analysis and the whole text reading. This cultural activity gets benefit from psychological, sociology, and the literary textual and contextual critical methods. The reader’s cognitive and cultural references are considered a critical factor in readings of the literary discourse for the one who works with cultural criticism has to read the literary discourse in a cultural reading without knowing and understanding the sciences and knowledge.
The study was divided into three chapters preceded by a preface and followed by conclusion implied the most important results that the study reached. Then, there was an appendix tackled the biographies of poets Al Moravids and Al Mohads eras with an appendix the scholars of the same areas, and ended with a list of references and bibliographies that enriched the study.