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A Staff Member from the College of Education for Humanities Participates in an International Conference in Turkey

Professor Dr. Mohammed Hussein Abdullah Al-Mahdawi, a staff member in the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for Humanities, University of Kerbala, participated in the 12th International Scientific Conference…

The Arabic Department Discusses a Thesis Entitled “The Analytical Approach of Ibn Babshadh in His Sharh Jumal al-Zajjaji”

The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for Humanities, University of Kerbala, recently held a public discussion for the master’s thesis titled, The Analytical Approach of Ibn Babshadh in His Sharh…

The College of Education for Humanities organizes a workshop on the geography of innovation and entrepreneurship.

As part of the activities and events of Global Entrepreneurship Week, the Department of Applied Geography at the College of Education for Humanities at Kerbala University organized a workshop titled “Geography of…

The College of Education for the Humanities Organizes a Cultural Seminar on Transportation and the Environment

As part of the activities and events of Global Entrepreneurship Week, the Department of History at the College of Education for the Humanities at the University of Kerbala, in coordination with the Technology Section, organized a cultural…

The College of Education for the Humanities Organizes a Course on the Role of Sustainable Development in Preserving the Ancient Civilizations of the World

As part of the activities and events of Global Entrepreneurship Week, the College of Education for the Humanities at University of Kerbala, in coordination with the Technology Section, organized a course on “The Role of Sustainable Development…

A Faculty Member from the College of Education for the Humanities Participates in the International Conference on the ‘Humanities: Between Generality and Specificity in the UK’

Prof. Dr. Riyadh Kazim Salman Al-Jumaili, from the Department of Applied Geography at the College of Education for the Humanities at the University of Kerbala, participated in the 15th International Scientific Conference on the Humanities at the University of London, UK. The conference was…

Prof. Dr. Mortada Jalil Ibrahim, a member of  thesisdiscussion at University of Samarra

Prof. Dr. Mortada Jalil Ibrahim, a faculty member in the Department of Applied Geography at the College of Education of the Humanities at University of Kerbala, was selected as a member of discussing thesis titled “Spatial Suitability of…

Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdul Ghani Muhammad Jawad is a member of a doctoral thesis discussion at Qadisiyah University

Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdul-ghani Muhammad Jawad from the Department of Arabic/ College of Education for Humanities/ University of Karbala is chosen as a member of the discussion of the doctoral thesis entitled: ((Grammatical Approach in the Books…

The College of Education for Humanities Organizes a Cultural Seminar on the Ethical Environment in the University Environment

As part of the activities and events of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, the Department of Arabic /Collegeof Education for Humanities/ University of Karbala organized a cultural seminar on ((Ethical Environment in the University Environment:…

With Photos

The field tour of the Dean of the College of Education for Humanities, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Saidi, to follow up on the stages of completion of theDepartment of English building.

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