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A Lecturer from the College of Education for Humanities is selected as the Head of a Ministerial Committee

Within the scientific activities of our faculty’s teachers, Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdulghani Muhammad Jawad, who teaches in the Department of Arabic was selected as the head of a ministerial committee ((to introduce a master’s…

A delegation from the Department of English at the College of Education for Humanities / University of Kerbala, represented by the Head of the Department, Assistant Professor Diaa Khalil Nayel, accompanied by Dr. WafaAbbas Sahn, Asst. Lect. Abauddin Hassam, and Asst. Lect. Mustafa Abbas Sahn, visited the Al-Nour Institute for the Blind of the Holy Husseiniya Threshold.

The delegation listened to a detailed explanation of the stages of development of the institute and the advanced training services that the institute seeks to provide to this blessed segment…

A Master’s Thesis in the Department of History Discusses Building a Training Programme to Develop Digital Teaching Skills

The Department of History at the College of Education for Humanities/ University of Kerbala has discussed the master’s thesis entitled ‘Building a Proposed Training Programme for the Development of Digital Teaching Skills Among Social Studies Teachers in the Holy…

College of Education for the Humanities Organizes a Workshop on Intertextuality in the Poetic Play “Noah Does Not Board the Ark”

The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for the Humanities, Kerbala University, organized a scientific workshop on intertextuality in the poetic play “Noah Does Not Board the Ark”.…


Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, Awards Certificates of Appreciation to Students of the Department of Arabic Language Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities,…

Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities Attends the Deans’ Committee Meeting for the Humanities Colleges in Iraq

The Dean of the College of Education for theHumanities, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, attended the Deans’ Committee meeting for the Humanities Colleges in Iraq, which was held at the College of Education / Ibn Rushd. The…

Professor Dr. Haider Mohammed Al-Karbalae’i Participates in the Scientific Research Week in Iran

As part of efforts to exchange expertise and strengthen academic and cultural collaboration, Professor Dr. Haider Mohammed Al-Karbalaei, a staff member in the Department of History at the College of Education for the Humanities,…

A Thesis in the Department of Arabic Language Explores the Prophet’s (PBUH) Will to Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari: A Morphological and Syntactic Study

The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for the Humanities, University of Kerbala, held a discussion for the master’s thesis entitled The Prophet’s (PBUH) Counsel to Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari: A…

Publication of a New Book by Professor Dr. AbeerAbdul-Rasoul Al-Tamimi, Faculty Member in the Department of History

A new book titled “New Readings in Islamic History: Research on Political, Social, and Economic Thought” has been published by Professor Dr. Abeer Abdul-Rasoul Al-Tamimi, a faculty member in the Department of History…

The College of Education for the Humanities Organizes a Workshop on the Role of the Family in Supporting and Enhancing People with Special Needs

As part of the activities for the Global Week of People with Disabilities, the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at the College of Education for the Humanities, Kerbala University, organized…

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